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Как не затеряться в стопке бумаг после выставки

Can you imagine yourself without a business card while you’re exhibiting? We can’t. Why not print the business card details on the chocolate? It’s fun, it’s new, it’s something different that others don’t and can’t offer. This is just an example. You can print anything you want. In color. Imagine a stack of papers each visitor has upon returning from an exhibition. They might take it out for review later on, or they might not.

How can you raise a chance of not being lost in that stack of papers?

Simple, don’t give them a paper. Give them something that is different, something they can use in their every day life, for example a coffee mug. That coffee cup will not be lost in the stack of booklets. Problem solved. Or maybe a good quality bag to hold all the goodies that they are being handed out while they walk around the perimeter of the trade fair. Simply make sure that whatever it is that you intend to give away to your stand visitor has some value and relates to your business.

But what if you still need to give them a business card. How do you make sure it’s not buried and not overlooked? Here's a practical tip. You can wrap it under the ribbon with promotional chocolate bar below the card as follows:

The good marketer knows that

to convert a lead one has to touch customer’s emotions.

A plain raw branded pen that is already a cliche does not touch the heart strings of a client. Human body has 5 basic senses: sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell.

Branded pen captures just 2: sight and touch. Chocolate, captures all 5, plus certain range of emotions that each of us has when thinking about chocolate (the ‘hearing’ sense of chocolate is perceived when a person takes a bite and the chocolate makes the crunching sound).

You may choose to order coffee machine to have an option to treat your stand visitors with a delicious coffee while discussing business at the round table. This is a direct opportunity to use promotional branded chocolates as coffee snacks. Coffee alone can attract a wandering visitor to attend a stand but with snacks chances get multiplied. Food is an essential for every human being and while promotional chocolates is a marketing instrument it’s also tasty food. If you are not planning to use a coffee machine you can simply treat your visitors with branded chocolates. And depending on the selected product and your intention, it can also function as a gift and a giveaway item. For example, VIP clients can be given luxury branded gift boxes with high quality Belgian chocolate inside. Ideas for application of promo chocolate does not end here. Your imagination is the limit.

Hopefully you found useful our tips on how to avoid being forsaken and that we managed to depict how promotional chocolates can effectively raise your brand awareness! Thank you for reading and we wish you fruitful and rewarding outcomes from your exhibitions!

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